

01 Sept 2022

A FR-Azerty layout for the Moonlander keyboard


I recently get ZSA’s Moonlander ortholinear split keyboard (and I really like it). However I just realised there was an annoying issue. My setup is:

  • Using the keyboard on OSX (French, English) and on Windows
  • Using an AZERTY (French) layout
  • The keyboard is interpreted as an ANSI keyboard (for OSX)

This kind of keyboard is NOT supposed to have a key between left SHIFT and W (cf next image)

ANSI VS ISO - wikipedia

This provocked the following problem while using ZSA’s software (aka ORYX) to program my keyboard:

Any press on the < fr key (defined as such by ORYX), would print this symbol ²

I was able to successfully program the > fr key but never the < fr one. This was very annoying for programming as you can imagine.


Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to solve the problem using the following solutions:

  • Program another keys with ORYX
  • Change the keyboard layout interpreted by OSX

So I had to use the ultimate tool: Karabiner-Elements

This tools allows in particular to remap keyboard keys to another.

I ended up with the following configuration for remapping keys like this ² -> <, cf following screenshot.

Karabiner ZSA configuration

NB: You can find the name of the keys to select in the left selector above by using the Karabiner-EventViewer software provided by the Karabiner install, by pressing the key you want to map after having opened it. Cf below, where you can see the event when I press the < key (which have been here already remapped as explained above).

Karabiner event viewer

Thanks to this solution, I am able to fully use my keyboard! o/